Create a Saved Link

Create a Saved Link


Saved links allow you to create pre-populated search results for specific areas, price ranges, or any other criteria from the MLS. Saved links create unique content that is great for search engines. These also give you the ability to create neighborhood or community pages. Create a saved link to focus on your market and what your visitors are searching for.


Advanced Search Fields

Length: 2 minutesComplexity: Standard

There is a fine line between providing enough search criteria for your visitors to find what they seek and having an overwhelming amount of choices. Learn how to choose which advanced search fields you present on your website.

Create a Saved Link

Complexity: Easy

This lesson should help you find out what a saved link is and walk you through creating your very first one.

Create a Polygon Saved Link

Length: 2 minutesComplexity: Standard

IDX Broker Platinum provides a map search tool with a polygon or radius search. With this tool you can specify exactly what areas you wish to pull listings from. You can use this tool to select a neighborhood not in the MLS data.

Create a Targeted Facebook Ad

Length: 2 minutesComplexity: Standard

Targeted online advertising can be effective, but you need to have a dedicated landing page. If you use a targeted ad-campaign, but then send leads to a homepage which doesn’t match the ad text, you will turn off your prospects. This is where a saved link can help.