Create a Saved Link

Create a Saved Link

Saved links are predefined search pages to add to your website. These links direct visitors to properties that match criteria that you set. Learn to create a saved link in this lesson for neighborhood pages or to direct traffic to your niche market.

To create a saved link, click on Preferences in the main menu, Saved Links in the submenu, and Create from the dropdown menu.


Select the Search page you would like to use to build your Saved Link. The Search pages available here are the same search pages available to you in your Pages section (under the Designs button). The Advanced Search page offers the most options.


Fill out the search form with criteria to narrow down the results. Select “View Results in New Window” to test your search criteria and Next Step when complete.


Set a custom Page Title, Link URL, and custom Meta Tags for this unique search results page. Add a Subheader to this page to make it even more unique and engaging (you can add this later if you wish to simply save the link now).


If you have an Office Account, you can also assign an Agent to this link. The assigned agent will receive any new leads that come in as a result of clicking this link.

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