WordPress Add Menus and Widgets

WordPress Add Menus and Widgets

You must first complete WordPress Plugin Installation before viewing this Lesson

Now that you’ve installed the IMPress plugin, you can get started working with it. This lesson will teach you the basics to add menus and widgets.

Most IDX content is on pages provided from your account. We can start placing these IDX pages in the menu.

IDX Pages

In WordPress, navigate to Appearance and Menus. This is the regular place where you make changes to your WordPress menus. You should now have a box on the right titled “IDX Pages”. You may open this up and select all of the pages to add to your menu. Once placed in a menu, drag these to reorder them just as any other pages in WordPress.

Now the fun part.


IDX Broker widgets are brought in automatically through the IMPress plugin. You may place these in the predefined widget areas, by navigating to Appearance –> Widgets and just dragging and dropping the widgets where you would like to see them on your site.

However, if you would like to place the widgets in a page or post, you may do this by using shortcodes.

Once in a page or a post, there is a button to add IDX Shortcode. Select this button to open a menu of options where you will select the type of widget that you would like to place and then the specific widget from your account.

Once selected, hit the Insert Shortcode button to place this on your site.

This will place a code in brackets. Preview the page to see this widget in action.

That’s it. Now you can enjoy the integration of your IDX Broker content in WordPress.

Lesson tags: begin, installation, plugin, widget, wordpress
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